Tuesday 28 March 2017

This is a project I did in technology to celebrate Easter and my house York. 

Thursday 23 March 2017

My diary on Year 7 Camp


On Monday all six of the year seven classes went on the bus to Papamoa Camping ground. When we got there we couldn’t go into our cabins straight away because they were still getting cleaned so we put our bags in the dining room until we got back. We left the campsite to go to the Mount. The Mount is called “Mount Maunganui”. After all the  year seven classes got there, we walked up the Mount to the top. It was raining and foggy when we were walking up but when we got to the top there was a wonderful view. We had afternoon tea at the top of the Mountain.  We had biscuits or slice it was very yummy. We walked back down to the bottom of the Mount. Then we went to the Mount Maunganui pools the water was very salty and stung your eyes but it was fun anyway. After that we were meant to walk to the beach but we were all being naughty so we went back to the accommodation to unpack, have dinner and found  who was in your cabin. In my cabin I had Toir Clarke, Liv Davys, Sienna van Straalen and me,  Kelly-Brooke Christie. For dinner we had lasagne, Pasta bake and macaroni cheese with salad from the Southwell kitchen and for dessert it was Cheese cake and fruit. The dinner and the desert was very nice. After dinner and after our meetings that we have every night it was shower brush our teeth then bed.


I was really looking forward to the activity planned for Tuesday after I  had eaten corn flakes and scramble eggs and bacon for breakfast, we packed our day bags and got on the bus. At Waimarino water park we had team building games like having to do a puzzle with a blindfold on.  After that we had lunch,  after lunch we could go on anything we liked. I wore my wetsuit because it was very cold. My favorite things were the slide, diving board and the U.F.O.  The U.F.O is a trampoline in the water that you can jump on and there are things off the side of it like a mini blob. At the end of the day we got back on the bus. We were all very tired and some people fell asleep!! We got ready for dinner which was beef stroganoff and savoury rice finished with sour cream. For dessert we had some pancakes. After dinner we had free time till the meeting, where we got told what to pack ready for Wednesday.


This day was really challenging day for me. I had never done S.U.P. Boarding or Waka-ama before and was a bit worried about my sore shoulder if it would work with the paddling. We all had a S.U.P. Boarding lesson on shore. We were taught how to stand and paddle and what to do if we fell off. There were three Waka-ama and we got in the boats
and had to work as a team to paddle. It was cool fun. We then got ready for the Mauno Hikoi where we walked around the Mount and a guide told us about the history of the area. We were lucky because it was a lovely sunny, as we walked walked together. Our leader had grown up around the Mount On the way back to camp we stopped at The Elms Mission House in Tauranga. This was a historic house in the oldest European heritage site in the Bay of plenty. In the old day the Maori Christianity, learnt agricultural and domestic skills. It was established in 1838 by Archdeacon Alfred Brown. At camp we had Crispy cheese topped with fish pie and vegetables. For dessert we had apple crumble and Ice Cream.


This was the best day. After my usual breakfast we got on the bus and and headed for the Adrenalin forest park. It was so cool. It was made up of high-wires and wood. I was only allowed to go up to level 2 because I was under 1.30 cm tall. I wasn’t scared and we were harnessed up with safety gear so if we fell we wouldn't hit the ground. I am going back there when I grow taller. I loved it so much. The next activity was the rock hop. It was on Poripori Road. We got our beach shoes on so we didn’t cut our feet and we had a real adventure in the water and on the big rocks with moss growing on them. We had to jump off some big rocks into the river. Then the bus picked us up at the end of the rock walk and took us back to camp for dinner. For dinner we had nachos and for dessert we had chocolate mud cake and chocolate sauce we also had ice cream,  it was the best. After dinner we had showers before bed.


I had my usual breakfast and then we had to pack up our gear and our cabin. We put our suitcases and sleeping gear on the bus. Then we all went to the Memorial pools in Tauranga where we had a swim to cool off before the bus trip home. Back at school we all said bye to each other. Camp week has been a great experience.  

Kelly-Brooke Christie

This is my diary from camp
200 Peachgrove Road
Southwell School

09 March 2017

Dear Mr Christie
I am writing to thankyou for coming on camp our Year 7 camp. From day one you made camp an exciting and fun filled adventure which I loved, not only were you caring towards me, but you were also caring towards other people.

My favorite part of camp was completing activities, such as Waimano, the Rockhop and venturing up and around Mt Maunganui.

Rock hop took me out of my comfort zone but having you by my side encouraging me was helpful in completing the activities. I found it challenging as I was unaware where the rocks were also it was freezing.

In conclusion, I  want to thank you again for coming on camp, you made it memorable and it was special.

Kind regards

From your daughter:
Kelly-Brooke Christie

This is a thank you letter to my Dad from me from camp

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Great view

Sooo cute :):):)

Sooo cute :):):)

puppy high five
This is a writing i had to do :)

Beached Pilot Whale

Late on Thursday the 10 of February 2017 a pod of hundreds of whales beached themselves at Farewell Spit in the, South Island. It was one of the worst beaching in the history of New Zealand.

Farewell Spit is a common place for whales to beach themselves, but not in such a large numbers. As many as 400 whales died with some having to be put down.

There were more than 500 volunteers helping to refloat the whales; some coming from all over New Zealand. This is a great sentence. The volunteers managed to refloat 100 or more whales back out to sea, but  don’t need that word after some of them came back in. It was then that, the volunteers formed a human chain to stop this happening again. Them coming back.

The way the whales die is from Dehydration. They collapsing under their own weight or drowning when high tide covers the blow hole. Once drowned they can sometimes explode due to the methane gas build up within their bodies. This is tragic and very sad to see.

The whole thing is very emotional for all the volunteers especially when some of the whales have to be put down. I would put the words below with this paragraph as it is about the emotional side of these deaths.

I think it is very sad because the whales beached themselves and died, but it's good to be helping and hopefully we can learn why they do it.

By : Kelly-Brooke Christie

Friday 3 March 2017

we just came back from camp we are so tied but it was a great time.