Thursday 10 August 2017

Money My Speech


Money, money, money must be funny in a rich man’s world. Time for a paycheck, but wait I don’t get a paycheck I am just a kid. Some people in this world are getting paid millions, ohh correction billions. I cannot even begin to imagine. Money has been said that is the root of all evil but another quote might be money makes the world go round. No matter which won you might know there is no doubt that money plays a big part in our lives.

And what about the power of money. Coins are made of metals and copper but to be honest it looks like monopoly money but boy does it pack a punch. You can go into a store and hand over a few pieces of paper or a plastic card where your money is stored and you could walk out with the latest IPhone 7. WOW! You can hand over some metal or copper and get a delicious ice-cream. People have huge arguments over money it is so powerful.

In addition to this, if you play sport and are really good at it you can make millions of dollars. Sports players get paid Lebron James a basketball player from the Cavaliers Basketball team gets paid a million dollars a game. How amazing is that - he is doing something he loves and getting wow money.

Money is almost unreal. The richest man in the world has changed. It used to be Bill Gates but now it is Jeff Bezos who is worth 90.9 billion dollars. Can you imagine how many zeros that is? He is the creator of Amazon.  When we wrote this amount down in it is full form we could not believe how it looked.

Here is a thought for you. Imagine if we got paid to come to school. Kids would be happier and would be willing to do more work. Homework would be done and everything would be done to a high standard. Can you imagine how excited we would be to come?

In conclusion, whatever we think about money the question I have for you is do we really need lots of money or do we just want it? Does it make us happier? In my opinion, I love the fact that I have some money. It makes me feel lucky because I know I have a soft bed to sleep in, food in my belly and this all comes from money, money, money, must be funny in a rich man’s world.


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