Thursday 14 September 2017

The Truce at Christmas

In World War 1, (WW1) more than 44,000 died. Of these 2,701 were New Zealanders. World War 1 was a fight between Germany and the Allies. On Germany's Side were the countries Austria, Hungry, Turkey plus the Middle East and Bulgaria. The Allies included Britain, France, Russia, Italy, New Zealand, Australia and the United States of America.

World War 1 started 1 August 1914 and ended 11 November 1918  however on Christmas Day 1914 both sides agreed to stop fighting.  It was the Truce at Christmas.  Pope
Benedict XV (15th) had first suggested a ‘Truce of God’ in early December.  

So on Christmas Eve, when Germany traditionally celebrated Christmas, there were candles and trees seen up along parts of the German line.  On Christmas Day along some parts of the Western Front, the soldiers came out of the trenches from both sides exchanged gifts, took photos and played a game of football.  It was also a chance for them to look  after their dead and wounded in No-Man’s land between the two sides.

By: Kelly-Brooke Christie

Thursday 7 September 2017

Why Dogs are better than Cats

Dogs are better pets than cats! Does a cat ever run out to meet you when you get home from work? No I didn’t think so. Most cats’ meow and come to see you only when they want food. This is not a loving pet’s response.

Dogs are always more responsive to humans than cats. When you get home from work your dog will be happy to see you and will show you this by running up and licking you or jumping up to you. A dog also knows when you are sad, they often come up and try to comfort you. If you are crying, they will put their paw on you as if to say ‘it will be ok’.   Cats don’t care.

Cats don't show more affection than dogs. Cats will turn their back on you when you call them for a cuddle.  They decide whether or not they will come. With a dog though you can call them and they will come running for attention and love without thinking twice.

I think dogs are way better than cats because when a dog comes running to greet you after a long day at school, you know you are loved. A cat would most likely turn their back on you and decide to clean themselves and basically ignore you.

Dogs will wake you up if the house is on fire. Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.Dogs will turn their heads and try to understand every word you are saying. Cats will ignore you and have a nap instead. I can see love in my dog's eyes while my cat lies on the stairs waiting to bite my ankles as I walk past. So that is why I believe dogs are better than cats.

By: Kelly-Brooke

O'Leary Writing

How to make Crispy Tyre and Cement

                You Will Need:

  • 1 Gigantic Pan
  •  Number 91 Petrol
  • 1 Huge Bucket
  • de1 Cup of Tarcccccc
  • 1 Giant Metal Spoon
  • 2 Metal Buckets b
  • 1 Car Tyre
  • A Giant Metal Plate
  • Image result for tyre2 Cups of Cement

  • Pinch of Salt

  • Pinch of Pepper

  • Old Oil

                  To Make:

  1. Pre heat the stove to 2000 Degrees.
  2. Place the gigantic pan on the stove, put the 1 cup of water and leave to simmer.
  3. Get your huge bucket and old oil, put some of your tyre in and mix with a metal spoon.
  4. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to your tyre mix.
  5. Add a pinch of pepper and salt to the hot pan.
  6. Add petrol to the hot pan and mix thoroughly.
  7. Once the petrolis mix thoroughly pour into a metal bucket.
  8. Check your tyre and take them out and put them in a metal bucket.
  9. Pour 1 or 2 drops of old oil into the pan.
  10. Pour the tar into the pan and mix.
  11. If you love flavor put some salt and pepper and stir till you like.
  12. Pour the oil into the pan and mix till you like.
  13. Then pour the cement and tar into the metal bucket.  

             To plate:
  1. Get the Giant Metal  Plate and the dishes and put then on.
2. To add more if you like you can add some herds it if you want.